Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Man Who Knows He Can

If you think you are better, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost.
For out in the world you’ll find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all a state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win the prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger, faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is The Man Who Knows He Can!


Through A Childs Eyes

Through a childs eyes, the meaning of life

Friday, May 1, 2009

Teflon Insides

Are you the type of person who lets things get to you, things you know you have no control over, or are you the type that lets things wash over them and not let them affect you ?

John Gotti, the head of the Gambino crime family, was known as the Teflon Don because none of the first few indictments against him stuck. In other words, the charges of the prosecution bounced off him.

This brings me to today's lesson. Do you have teflon insides or do you let things get to you? This is a very important question pertaining to emotional stability. Your answer shows how you are able to handle things.

People who have emotional control have things "roll off their back". It seems like they are immune to criticism. They simply do not take things to heart. Accusations or insults levied against them bounce off like that person is made of Teflon. Again, nothing sticks to them.


Happiness Quote

Learn this and live it, it is the main stay of a the happy life that you deserve