Sunday, April 5, 2009


Do you have certain things you do to prepare you for certain tasks ? Do you have certain music to listen to when you are unwinding, or maybe a ritual you do when you get up in the morning to get yourself ready for the day. And if you don't do those things or hear that music do you find that nothing flows freely ? These are your life motivaters

People often tell me they lack motivation to complete the tasks which need their attention. In a word, they lack motivation. This is something that is fairly common among those who struggle. They have desires, and perhaps even a plan, yet fail to have the motives to complete what they desire. Thus their dilemma.

I cannot thoroughly cover how unearthing the "why" behind a desire will provide most of the energy needed to complete a task in this post. However, I can offer some assistance which will help you to get motivated to complete what you need to. These tidbits can be put into place immediately if you are only willing to follow them.

Have you ever noticed that gyms have music playing while people work out? This is done in an effort to create a particular atmosphere. Now, let us take this one step further. What is the difference between the music played in a gym versus that in an elevator. Each location has music yet creates a different atmosphere. The gym has something that will create energy and pump a person up while the elevator seeks to soothe.

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