Sunday, April 26, 2009
Personal Accountability
A major component to success is the ability to follow through. Action is a pre-requisite for achievement. The greatest plans in the world are worthless unless action is added to the mix. It is the transition that takes something from the invisible world (an idea) into the visible (physical form).
To do this, there needs to be a level of accountability someplace along the line. Rarely is success a one-shot deal. Most often, success is the result of dedicated effort over a long period of time. Persistence is a common quality among those who attain excel. They have the ability to persevere regardless of the obstacles that arise.
It seems that we do the best when we are accountable to others. Lying is not something that most people will openly admit to enjoying. We want to perceive ourselves as honest. Yet, if we tell someone that we will do something, and fail to take the action, that is a form of dishonesty. For many, this is a situation they will do everything to avoid. Therefore, people do fairly well when they are accountable to others.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Ignore What You Cannot Change
People love to spend time complaining about things which they cannot change. It is one of the easiest ways to sabotage your success. There are certain things which we can affect in our lives. However, wasting energy on things which cannot be changed is a waste of time and effort.
There are those who love to complain. They will bitch about anything and everything. This creates for a miserable existence. It also sucks us into a rut which is extremely difficult to exit. You need to be mindful of this when you are approaching this zone.
What are some of the things that people commonly complain about which they cannot alter in the slightest. The list is endless. Nevertheless, some examples are taxes, the speed which time elapses, others opinions, the weather, and your height. No matter how much effort you put into talking about these topics, you will not change them at all. You are powerless over each of those situations.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Courage Is Crucial
The easiest thing to do in life is to exist at whatever level you are presently operating at. Change is something that is difficult for most people to embrace. To successfully do this requires the courage to step out of one's comfort zone into the unknown. This is a concept which is more than most can handle.
How can I make this assertion? Simple, most lead lives they are unhappy with. I see so many settling for less than they truly desire. They lack the courage to risk failure when they go after what they really want. This is something that society trains us to do. We are taught the "safe" route is the way to go. Sadly, it is also the path that leads to unhappiness.
If you are going to alter your life, it is going to take a great deal of courage. Changing requires a bit of risk taking. When you undertake something like this, you expose yourself to the ridicule of other people. Often, this comes from those who are closest to us. Those who have our "best interest" at heart are usually the ones who crush our dreams. They tell us to "be realistic" and get something that is safe., April 19, 2009
Other People's Programming
Have you ever thought about the difference between a cult and a religion? What is it that separates the two? I believe the only difference is the conditioning we received which leads us to our conclusions. The programming of others is what establishes the beliefs that we carry with us each day.
Cults have the reputation for brainwashing people. Many who lead these enterprises are manipulative people with a self-serving (and sometimes evil) agenda. They are often delusional individuals who prey upon the weak. Those who fit a particular profile are targeted. Many believe that it is the weak who fall prey to this type of manipulation.
However, couldn't we say the same thing about the world's religions? People get their belief system from the "church" which tells them what is going to happen. They are instructed of how they are to live, what to worship, and with whom to interact. All stages of life, and thereafter, are often spelled out. Yet millions of people show up to their places of worship every Sunday.
Create Your Life
Friday, April 17, 2009
If You Think
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It is almost certain you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost.
For out in the world you’ll find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all a state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win the prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger, faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is The Man Who Knows He Can!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saying No Out Of Habit
A few days ago, I wrote about "Saying Yes to Life". This is something that I believe many people need to implement. We are conditioned by society to say no to offers. Saying 'yes' opens up experiences we otherwise would have passed on.
Today I want to touch upon the psychology behind this. Most people allow fear to control their lives. The reason I make this statement is they tend to say 'no' more often then they say 'yes'. A life filled with negative responses is one that is run by fear.
Fear always leads to 'no'. It cannot be any other way. Fear is a technique used by the mind to maintain certainty. Anytime you are pondering something different the mind determines ways that it can control the certainty you experience. Obviously, a potentially new experience means there will be some uncertainty. The mind abhors this. Therefore, it creates a bit of fear in you to get you to deny the opportunity. Operating under the status quo is preferred.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Who is looking at themselves?
We live in the 'age of blame'. People are being taught that it is acceptable to place the blame for the ills in our lives on others. This concept has taken hold to such a great degree that it is a national epidemic. And, the powerful in the media and the government are only fostering this idea. When was the last time a powerful person stood up and took responsibility for a failure. Consider for a second the political landscape. We are in the midst of the worst economic situation in a couple of generations yet nobody in power has taken any responsibility for it. Instead, they are blaming everyone else. The finger pointing is on at full speed. I try to train people to look at themselves. This is crucial for success. I subscribe to the ancient belief that if I am responsible I can make a change; if you are responsible I have to wait for you to change. Personal responsibility is where personal power resides.
Appriciate Happiness
Friday, April 10, 2009
Use Your Anger
Everyone gets angry periodically. There are simply certain things in life which irritate us. This feeling is magnified when the anger is caused by something we, ourselves, did. In others words, we are peeved at ourselves.
My study of human behavior leads me to believe that people will not make changes until they have felt enough emotional pain. It is sad to say but pain is a better motivator for change than pleasure. People will only take a different path once they suffered enough.
A prime example is the alcoholic. This person's drinking is a problem long before he or she admits it. Others around that person see it. However, the alcoholic will not seek recovery until he or she felt enough pain. Only then will the new path be forged.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thinking About Things Differently
The world is coming to an end. At least that is the impression that one could get by reading the headlines doled out by the media. While not believing that the end is near, I will grant that we are in some trying times. This worldwide debacle has the potential to eclipse the Great Depression in severity. People are going to see things we have not witnessed in a few generations.
For this reason, I feel it important for people to change their mode of thinking. Many in the press made an issue of the fact that all stock profits gained by the bull market run over the last decade were wiped out in the last 6-9 months. This completely destroyed the buy and hold model of stock investing. People who adhered to this philosophy realized major losses recently.
This is just one example of how people's thinking needs to change. Another example is the idea of security in one's job. The days of lifetime employment left us 15 years ago. However, many still clung to the illusion that there is safety in a job. Understand this: there is no security in a job. This is something that can be lost at any time. We are witnessing well over half a million people losing their security each month in the United States alone.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Fear of Failure
We are taught that failure is something that is to be avoided. And, it is for that very reason why people live in a cocoon. The fear of failure, ingrained in us since we were young, is one of the most power motivators (demotivators) that exists. It serves to crush more dreams than anything else.
Failure is a wonderful thing. Here is something that I want you to remember: the most successful person is the one who failed the most. Imprint that idea on your memory. Understanding this single concept will change your life.
Babe Ruth is recognized as one of the greatest homerun hitters of all-time. Did you know that he held the record for strikeouts longer than the homerun title? Warren Buffet, known as the Oracle of Omaha for his stock picking, lost $25 billion last year in the stock market. How many people have that much money to lose? Colonel Sanders was rejected over 1,000 times before someone accepted his recipe for chicken. Who among us is not familiar with his creation, Kentucky Fried Chicken?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Chang Your Habits
People by their very nature are creatures of habits. We all have heard this and fundamentally know it to be true. However, have you ever really truly taken the time to ponder this idea. At its core, this idea states that all the success we want can be attained if we adopt the proper habits.
Is life really this simple? Could something as basic as habits create all the outcomes we desire? In a word, 'yes'. Anything you want to attain is a matter of only determining what habitual activities are necessary for its attainment. Once that is completed, repetition is added by doing the tasks over and over until it becomes a habit. This is the ultimate model for success.
I will use Ernest Hemingway as an example. Here was a man who is noted as one of the most successful writers in the 20th century. His works have been read by millions worldwide. He had a writing style that was unique which accounted for a large portion of his success. However, nothing would be achieved unless he sat down and wrote.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
People often tell me they lack motivation to complete the tasks which need their attention. In a word, they lack motivation. This is something that is fairly common among those who struggle. They have desires, and perhaps even a plan, yet fail to have the motives to complete what they desire. Thus their dilemma.
I cannot thoroughly cover how unearthing the "why" behind a desire will provide most of the energy needed to complete a task in this post. However, I can offer some assistance which will help you to get motivated to complete what you need to. These tidbits can be put into place immediately if you are only willing to follow them.
Have you ever noticed that gyms have music playing while people work out? This is done in an effort to create a particular atmosphere. Now, let us take this one step further. What is the difference between the music played in a gym versus that in an elevator. Each location has music yet creates a different atmosphere. The gym has something that will create energy and pump a person up while the elevator seeks to soothe.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Say Yes To Life
I believe that "no" is one of the most commonly used words in the English language. From the time we are little, we hear this word millions of times. Some people estimate that a child will hear no over 87,000 times before the age of 4. No matter how valid this statistic, we all can agree that it is every parents favorite word.
Of course, children are wonderful absorbers of their environment. They take in all that is around them. Is it any surprise that children say "no" with tremendous regularity. In short order, this becomes their favorite word.
Sadly, as we pass through life, we begin to accept this as our default notion. We react negatively to all opportunities or requests. Carrying forward the mindset instilled in our youth, we turn down all that is offered us. We say no to life.
It is for this reason that many live in a state of desperate existence. They will tell you they want so much more yet they repeatedly live each day the same as before. Whenever something is presented, they return to their favorite saying, "no".
If you are interested in transforming your life, it is time to start saying "yes" to life. This means that you move your life from a state of existing to one where you are truly living. You start to accept some of the things that life has to offer. Over time, your circle of experiences will expand.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Quality not Quantity
I recently had an occasion to witness how someone seeks to develop her self through quantity rather than quality. Her esteem is such that she needs to surround herself with lots of people. This woman is always texting, calling, or instant messaging someone at all times throughout the day. I had the opportunity to see this first hand by going out to lunch with her. During the entire time we spent together, she never stopped interacting with others. This got my curiosity up to look a bit deeper into this.
A week later, I had the chance to meet her again. It was interesting how the low esteem is interwoven in all she does. To start, I will tell you this woman's life is chaos. She is always later no matter what. And, when I say late, it is not a few minutes. She showed up 45 minutes late to our get together. Normally, I would have left after about 15 minutes but I was interested in understanding this more. Again, when she got there, it was a similar thing. She was going a mile-a-minute the entire time. A relaxing meal was anything but that.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thoughts Have Power
Have you ever stopped to consider the power of the mind? If not, perhaps it is time that you really pondered how much force exists between your ears. Regardless of who you are, there is enough energy in your mind to create whatever you desire. People just like you developed the atomic bomb, build monasteries, erected skyscrapers, and tore down others. The mind is the most powerful computer in the world.
Sadly, this item is commonly used for destruction. Most of the energy which comes from it is negative. We allow the mind to control us through the use of fear. In turn, it creates a reality for us which is completely different then we desire. One day we wake up only to realize that our life "past us by".
Each thought you have has the power to either create or destroy. The results of your thinking is solely up to you. Mastering this force takes practice yet it is within reach. We learned to think negatively, thus we can reverse this practice. In the end, it will be what changes your life.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Fear: The Unseen Enemy
Have you ever stopped to consider how much fear controls the average person's life? This is the single greatest obstacle to success that exists. There is nothing else on this planet that even comes close to destroying as many dreams as fear does. The mastering of this single emotion will set you on the path to instant success.
Fear is something that exists entirely in our head. Now, when I talk about fear, I am not referring to the fight or flight instinct that humans are born with. This sort of fear is a benefit when we find ourselves in a situation where physical danger is present. The fight or flight trigger has physical benefits to ensure our survival. It is not this which stops people's progress.