Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fear: The Unseen Enemy

What is the one thing, the one real emotion that can destroy your hopes and dreams, the one thing that when left builds and builds until you can almost taste it, smell it, the one thing that is responsible for you never having the courage to go after what you want ?


Have you ever stopped to consider how much fear controls the average person's life? This is the single greatest obstacle to success that exists. There is nothing else on this planet that even comes close to destroying as many dreams as fear does. The mastering of this single emotion will set you on the path to instant success.

Fear is something that exists entirely in our head. Now, when I talk about fear, I am not referring to the fight or flight instinct that humans are born with. This sort of fear is a benefit when we find ourselves in a situation where physical danger is present. The fight or flight trigger has physical benefits to ensure our survival. It is not this which stops people's progress.

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