All to often we say no to something out of habit, we are not really thinking just knowing that we are unsure of the outcome so our minds advise us to reject the ideas, yet why is that ? If we do not know something them why say no ? It is fear that is controlling us, the fear of what MIGHT happen and not the knowledge of what will happen for certain
A few days ago, I wrote about "Saying Yes to Life". This is something that I believe many people need to implement. We are conditioned by society to say no to offers. Saying 'yes' opens up experiences we otherwise would have passed on.
Today I want to touch upon the psychology behind this. Most people allow fear to control their lives. The reason I make this statement is they tend to say 'no' more often then they say 'yes'. A life filled with negative responses is one that is run by fear.
Fear always leads to 'no'. It cannot be any other way. Fear is a technique used by the mind to maintain certainty. Anytime you are pondering something different the mind determines ways that it can control the certainty you experience. Obviously, a potentially new experience means there will be some uncertainty. The mind abhors this. Therefore, it creates a bit of fear in you to get you to deny the opportunity. Operating under the status quo is preferred.
All Things Are Possible
10 years ago
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