Sunday, April 26, 2009

Personal Accountability

If we don't do something, who is responsible ? If we say today I am going to do x then y and we don't then ho is to blame ? I know at times circumstances dictate and we have no choice in certain things but the majority of the time it is our responsibility to get things done, after all no one is going to benefit more than we are

A major component to success is the ability to follow through. Action is a pre-requisite for achievement. The greatest plans in the world are worthless unless action is added to the mix. It is the transition that takes something from the invisible world (an idea) into the visible (physical form).

To do this, there needs to be a level of accountability someplace along the line. Rarely is success a one-shot deal. Most often, success is the result of dedicated effort over a long period of time. Persistence is a common quality among those who attain excel. They have the ability to persevere regardless of the obstacles that arise.

It seems that we do the best when we are accountable to others. Lying is not something that most people will openly admit to enjoying. We want to perceive ourselves as honest. Yet, if we tell someone that we will do something, and fail to take the action, that is a form of dishonesty. For many, this is a situation they will do everything to avoid. Therefore, people do fairly well when they are accountable to others.

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